Adult Choir
We are always open to new membership in the First Unitarian Adult Choir. We encourage singers to join us on Wednesday nights from 7-9 p.m. in the choir room. The adult choir is a community of individuals who love to sing, and whose spiritual life is enhanced by their work. They serve the congregation in many ways, and have a real commitment to our community to bring additional life and meaning to our services through shared music.

Family Choir
The purpose of the Family Choir is to promote unity through music. We will perform unison music, and music with simple harmonies, which will allow voices of all abilities and ages to sing together. Every person is invited to sing in the Family Choir: Children do not have to have adults in order to sing, and adults don’t have to have children to sing.

Play an Instrument?
There are many opportunities to perform for the congregation, solo or in an ensemble.


Submit an Offering to the Auction
The Auction, held in the Spring, depends on people to donate events AND people to bid on those items. It is not too early to start thinking about what you could offer (and it doesn’t have to be expensive – just fun or interesting). You could give a tour of someplace you have access to that most folks can’t see – a national research facility, backstage at the opera, a really historic building or cemetery. Baby sitting is ALWAYS a hot item. You could organize a dinner party, a musical event, or a family picnic. We will have some no bid items which can be just signed up for (picnics, movie nights, what else can you imagine?). Perhaps you can you teach someone to do something better.  For our Silent Auction, we need folks to ask their favorite restaurants, hair salons, book stores, or airline for gift certificates. Can you make up a special gift basket to auction off? We need you to donate and participate in the spring Auction.

Volunteer for our Children’s RE Program

Participate in the Sunday Service
The Worship and Music Committee is responsible for assisting the minister, music director and director of religious education in the planning and presentation of our Sunday worship services. In preparing the worship services the committee uses its knowledge of congregational tradition, history and preferences in giving feedback and suggestions to the Minister. In addition, the committee recruits worship associates, who actively participate in the service. You can also participate in the Sunday Service by volunteering as an usher, a bell-ringer, or a chalice-lighter.

Landscaping Task Force
The Landscaping Task Force at First Unitarian has been maintained by wonderful volunteers: trimming trees, weeding, and transplanting ajuga as a ground cover to the south side of Fenn House. Richard Pardo maintains the watering system. Kent Richmond has faithfully trimmed the bushes and trees on the southeast side of First Unitarian; without his help we would look overgrown and uncared for. In keeping with the desire to show our kinship with the environment and our love for our Church, we continue this work of making the trees, bushes and plants surrounding our First Unitarian church send a welcome to all who pass by or enter our doors

Dig It, Plant It, Fix It Days
Two days each Spring of fixing, fellowship and fun for all ages. Multi-generational, multi-skill, and all projects are planned for high visibility and satisfaction, so we can hang our hats on it. And don’t forget to bring a hat! Share stewardship of the beautiful church that belongs to all of us. This is the time to make your corner shine. Look for information and signup sheets in Hull Chapel during Social Hour.Sign up for a project team you would like to join – the rest will be waiting for you. All are welcome. Guaranteed a good spirit will abide with a good night’s sleep to follow.